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Good Scientific Practice

Scientific misconduct can take many forms and have serious consequences for those involved, directly and indirectly. Exactly what is meant by this varies from subject to subject. However, cross-disciplinary rules do exist; for instance those defined by the DFG. The Senate of Johannes Gutenberg University has adopted corresponding regulations, which have been approved by the DFG. The new regulations were published on February 27, 2023 and are now also valid for the University Medical Center. Further information on this topic can be found here and in the download area of the Research Department.

Ombudsperson: how scientific misconduct is dealt with

The Ombudsperson for Science is directly available to all scientists for advice and assistance in matters of Good Scientific Practice and its violation due to scientific dishonesty.

Research data

The term “research data” is used to refer to (digital) data that is generated using various methods in the process of scientific research and that serves as the basis for research findings. This may include, but is not limited to, measured data, laboratory values, audiovisual information, texts, survey data, objects from collections, or specimens that have been created, developed, or evaluated in the course of scientific work. Methodological test procedures, such as questionnaires, software, and simulations, can also constitute the primary results of scientific research and should therefore also be subsumed under the term "research data".

As research data is essential to verify the research results it is based on, Good Scientific Practice dictates this data must be archived, as is stipulated in the relevant JGU guidelines. Long-term retention and provision of research data is one way of increasing the verifiability and quality of scientific work and can form an important basis for further research. If you have any further questions on the requirements of third-party funding bodies concerning research data, the archiving and follow-up use of generated research data, and rights and obligations when dealing with research data, please contact the Experts Research Data team.

The Gutenberg Open Science repository is available for open access publication of small research datasets (up to 4GB). You can find more information here.