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University Medical Center Mainz Postdoc Community

The University Medical Center Mainz Postdoc Community is an informal association of all postdocs of the University Medical Center Mainz. The Postdoctoral Committee, which consists of volunteer members from various institutions, organizes events and maintains contact with faculty members and administrators.

The goal of the Postdoc Community is to create a scientific and social network connecting postdocs from different institutions. It is intended to facilitate communication among postdocs, faculty members and administrators; address issues specific to postdocs (e.g., career paths, funding opportunities, exchange of equipment and scientific expertise); and foster scientific cooperative activities among young researchers.  
If you are new to Mainz, you can find useful information on various issues in our Postdoc-ABC. (Pdf, 191,8 KB)

If you are interested in working as a postdoc in one of our institutions, please contact the corresponding research group leader. You can find information about each research field in the Science Management System (WiMS).

General information for researchers from abroad can be found on the Euraxess Germany website (as regulations change from time to time, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information on this website).

In addition, the Research Office usually distributes a monthly “Researchers Newsletter” in English, which provides information on up-to-date national and international funding opportunities, seminars, job offers and other important news. You can download the current newsletter here (under "Miscellaneous") . In addition, we can send you information on the most interesting calls for proposals and news by email. If you are interested, we will gladly add you to our mailing list for this. Simply send us an email with the subject “Anmeldung zum Researchers Newsletter” to forschung.UM@uni-mainz.de.

You can find the latest funding opportunities here.


Latest seminar announcements

The FZI Google Calendar includes the latest announcements for FZI, IMB, TRON (and other) events.FZI Google Calendar

Dr. Angela Clement
Deputy Head of Research Office / Research Officer
Tel.: +49 (0)6131 39-29403