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Information on postdoctoral lecturing qualifications (habilitations)

A researcher’s professorial (habilitation) dissertation will represent their second major academic project. It is written after obtaining a doctorate. In contrast to the doctoral thesis, a habilitation dissertation must be a work requiring a high level of methodological expertise that aims to advance medical knowledge broadly rather than just in a narrow field of research. Furthermore, it must reveal new medical findings and demonstrate medical mastery of its subject matter and demonstrate the candidate’s ability to find financial support for it. Candidates have the option of preparing/submitting either a traditional or a cumulative habilitation dissertation. In the case of the cumulative habilitation dissertation, candidates must submit not just one research paper, but several high-level medical papers from journals or edited volumes in a summarized form.

Information sheet on postdoctoral lecturing qualifications (habilitations) (Pdf, 178,9 KB)  (October 2021)
Information sheet evaluation of teaching (Pdf, 58,0 KB)  (October 2018)
Schedule of the postdoctoral lecturing qualification procedure and the associated academic requirements (as of Nov. 2021) (Pdf, 107,3 KB) 

Download templates and sample documents

Sample documents to register initial intention to pursue a postdoctoral lecturing qualification (habilitation) (Pdf, 88,0 KB)

Sample application covering letter (Pdf, 80,7 KB)
Template personal data sheet for postdoctoral lecturing qualification (Pdf, 148,3 KB)
Template for declarations in accordance with HabilO Section 3 (Pdf, 93,9 KB)  (December 2017)
Sample co-authorship declaration (Pdf, 30,2 KB)  (January 2017)
External marker nomination template  (September 2018)
Template – teaching credentials (Pdf, 107,6 KB)  (April 2019)
Sample title page (page 1) of the habilitation dissertation (Pdf, 46,3 KB)
Sample page 2 of a cumulative habilitation dissertation (Pdf, 56,1 KB) (July 2019)

Sample – structuring the list of publications (Pdf, 137,0 KB) (October 2019)

Contact person

Ms. K. Eißler
Tel.:  +49 (0)6131 17-9981