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Intra-mural research funding

The University Medical Center Mainz supports its (early-career) researchers in pursuing innovative and pioneering research projects. Applicants can choose between the following three different intra-mural funding options:


Medical Minds Mainz: Awards for early-career researchers in various categories

High-Potentials Grant: multi-year funding to develop your own research profile

Clinical Research Fellowships: support of clinical research for clinician scientists

currently suspended:
Stufe I: Start-up funding for third-party funded projects

Stufe I - currently suspended

Please note:
At the moment, to apply for an intra-mural Stufe I research funding is unfortunatley not possible.

Medical Minds Mainz: awards for Young Researchers in various categories


Young scientists working at UMC-Mainz may apply for the Medical Minds Mainz Prize with an outstanding publication or another award-worthy activity in different categories.

The calls are announced annually via the Researchers Newsletter and the CSO's Newsletter. The prize is endowed with a personal payout of 2,500 €. The awards will be presented as part of the annual TransMed Science Day. The Committee for Research Support (AFF) decides on the awarding of currently 5 prizes per year in the categories

a)      TransMed Scientist Award - MD: Publication related to medical doctoral theses,

b)      TransMed Scientist Award - PhD: Publication of scientific dissertations,

c)      Insights in Medicine Award: publication without direct reference to laboratory-based experimental systems,  

d)      Science goes Media Award: particularly successful communication of research results, which can be traced back to a broad impact of public outreach, and

e)      3Rs Award: consistent implementation of 3R (replace, reduce, refine) in animal research.

The call documents and application forms can be found in our download section.
Deadline for handing in your application is 31 May 2024.

TransMed Scientist Award 2023 - MD

  • Nicholas Hanuscheck, Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie, für die Arbeit „Interleukin-4 receptor signaling modulates neuronal network activity“

TransMed Scientist Award 2023 - PhD

  • Anke Adenäuer, Institut für klinische Chemie und Laboratoriumsmedizin, für die Arbeit „Severe high-molecular-weight kininogen deficiency: clinical characteristics, deficiency–causing KNG1 variants, andestimated prevalence“

Insights in Medicine Award 2023

  • Dr. med. Simon J. Gairing, I. Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik, für die Arbeit „ Prevalence of Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis: A Multicenter Study “

Science goes Media Award 2023

  • In 2023, this prize was not awarded

3Rs Award 2023

  • In 2023, this prize was not awarded

TransMed Scientist Award 2022 - MD

  • Kevin Jan Legscha, III. Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik, für die Arbeit „Δ133p53α enhances metabolic and cellular fitness of TCR-engineered T cells and promotes superior antitumor immunity“

TransMed Scientist Award 2022 - PhD

  • Katie Frenis, PhD, Zentrum für Kardiologie, für die Arbeit „Ablation of lysozyme M-positive cells prevents aircraft noise-induced vascular damage without improving cerebral side effects“
  • Luís Miguel Ferreira de Almeida, PhD, Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Hygiene, für die Arbeit „Ribosome-Targeting Antibiotics Impair T Cell Effector Function and Ameliorate Autoimmunity by Blocking Mitochondrial Protein Synthesis“

Insights in Medicine Award 2022

  • Dr. med. Lukas Müller, M.D., Klinik und Poliklinik für Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie, für die Arbeit „Fully automated AI-based splenic segmentation for predicting survival and estimating the risk of hepatic decompensation in TACE patients with HCC“

Science goes Media Award 2022 

  • Herrn Oliver Bayer, Frau Maike Dienst, Frau Alexandra Euler, Herrn Emmanuel Gbogbo, Herrn Kai Günther, Frau Juliane Haase, Frau Alisha Hall, Frau Katrin Maria Kopp, Frau Anna Mavromanoli, Frau Tabea Petelkau, Frau Laura Pfrommer, Frau Julia Popow, Herrn Nicola Riccetti, Frau Ida Scholz, Frau Yanita Simeonova, Frau Nina Teletzky, Frau Marielle Wirth, Herrn Dr. Emilio Gianicolo sowie Frau Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Singer, Institut für Medizinische Biometrie, Epidemiologie und Informatik (IMBEI) mit dem Masterstudiengang Epidemiologie, für die Arbeit „Epi… Was?“ – Fragen und Antworten zur Epidemiologie“

3Rs Award 2022

  • Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Naureen Keric, Neurochirurgische Klinik und Poliklinik, für die Arbeit „Ein in vitro Clot-Modell der spontanen intrazerebralen Blutung zur Optimierung der minimal-invasiven Therapie"

TransMed Scientist Award 2021 - MD

  • Dr. rer. nat. Jan-Sebastian Boegel, I. Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik, für die Arbeit „Current status of use of high throughput nucleotide sequencing in rheumatology“

TransMed Scientist Award 2021 - PhD

  • Marin Kuntic, Zentrum für Kardiologie, für die Arbeit „Short-term e-cigarette vapour exposure causes vascular oxidative stress and dysfunction: evidence for a close connection to brain damage and a key role of the phagocytic NADPH oxidase (NOX-2)“

Science goes Media Award 2021 

  • Dr. rer. nat. Nadine Baumgart, Translational Animal Research Center (TARC), für die Arbeit „Proaktive Kommunikation über Tierversuche“

3Rs Award 2021

  • Miriam Pons, Institut für Toxikologie, für die Arbeit „Human Platelet Lysate as Validated Replacement for Animal Serum to Assess Chemosensitivity“

High Potentials Grant: multiannual funding to develop own research profile


The grant is awarded to outstanding post-doctoral scientists with a doctorate (clinician scientists or medical scientists) from Germany and abroad, who have already distinguished themselves with high-ranking publications, their own third-party funding and proven their potential as independent scientists. 

The previous High Potentials Grant Fellows of the University Medical Center Mainz are presented on this page.

Purpose and aim of the fellowship

This grant is intended to give the candidates the opportunity to establish themselves as independent researchers with their own research profile and to achieve their academic independence - ideally by establishing their own research group and/or by being appointed as a (junior) professor. During the grant, candidates are expected to acquire significant third-party funding.

Successful candidates will be employed at the University Medical Center (UMC) Mainz. A funding of €100,000 p.a. to finance their own position and further project costs will be available to the candidates for a duration of 3 years. Clinician scientists who, due to their clinical obligations, only apply for funding of their proportionate employment (at least 50%) by these means can apply for a cost-neutral extension of the funding period to a maximum of 4 years.

The candidates will be advised by two mentors (if applicable, a clinician scientist and a basic researcher), who actively support them in achieving the scientific and professional goals as well as the milestone plan described in their proposal. At least one of the mentors must be employed at the UMC, while the second may belong to another institution.

The candidates may take part in the advanced training program of the Mainz Research School of Translational Biomedicine. A mandatory prerequisite for an application is the commitment of the Department head to finance the applicant’s position after the end of the intramural funding for the duration of the third party-funded project, in case the financing of a third-party funded project has been successfully obtained. In this regard, please note that the regulations of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetzes (WissZeitVG) apply.

Eligibility information

Medical and clinician scientists with “Habilitation” are not eligible.

For clinician scientists, the directorate of their host institute is required to release the candidate of their clinical commitment for at least 50% of their working time for the duration of the fellowship. This will have to be confirmed by the host institute directorate and will be verified during the funding period.

Clinician scientists and medical scientists who are already permanently employed at UMC are eligible for a High Potentials Grant. However, the host institute is required to explicitly outline how it will ensure the long-term support of the career of the candidate after the funding by the High Potentials Grant ends.

Application procedure

The application process has two stages. Candidates are nominated by potential mentors from the UMC. The Vice Dean for Research, supported by the Committee for Research Funding (AFF) and external reviewers, makes the decision on inviting full proposals and awarding the High Potentials Grant. Direct applications are not accepted.

A specified catalog of criteria (Pdf-file, 231,8 KB) is used to assess the candidates and their proposal in both stages of the review process by the AFF and external reviewers, respectively.

1. Stage: Candidates are nominated by their potential mentors at the UMC. After careful review of their CV and previous research achievements, the Vice Dean for Research invites suitable candidates to submit a full proposal. The documents must be sent electronically to prodekan-forschung.um@uni-mainz.de by 19.06.2022.

Required documents (in English):

  • All candidates use this template (Word , 78,4 KB) for
    • Academic CV,
    • List of publications, including impact factor,
    • List of previously applied for and attracted third-party funding,
    • Title and short description of the planned project, and
    • Short description of the career perspective after the grant funding period.

  • Additional documents (for all candidates):

  • Additional document for clinician scientists only:

  • Additional document for candidates with permanent employment at UMC only:

2. Stage: Full proposals must be sent electronically to  prodekan-forschung.um@uni-mainz.de (tentative deadline 15.08.2022). Based on at least two external reviews and supported by the AFF, the Vice Dean for Research will select candidates for an interview. A maximum of two candidates will be awarded.  

Required document (in English):

The interim evaluation of the project takes place 18 months after the start of funding and is also carried out by the AFF. For the interim evaluation, the achievement of the milestones set out in the application as well as any third-party funding acquired is assessed.

Clinical Research Fellowships

Mainz University Medical Center has set itself the goal of promoting active initiation and participation in academically driven clinical trials. In order to increase the attractiveness of clinical research for young, excellent physicians, to create career perspectives, to increase the visibility of the University Medical Center and finally to translate this knowledge into advances in patient care, a scholarship program has been established.
The fellowship is intended as temporary start-up funding for clinical research projects.



Dr. Angela Clement
Deputy Head of Research Office / Research Officer
Tel.: +49 (0)6131 39-29403