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Structured doctoral programs

A variety of structured programs are funded at the University Medical Center Mainz. You can find information on obtaining a doctorate through one of these programs directly on the corresponding institution websites. The following is an overview of the programs:


Mainz Research School of Translational Biomedicine (TransMed)

The Research Training Group Life Sciences – Life Writing

The Max Planck Graduate Center (MPGC) with Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

The International PhD Programme (IPP)

The Integrated Research Training Group CRC 1066

The Integrated Research Training Group CRC 1080

Mainz Research School of Translational Biomedicine (TransMed)

The TransMed graduate school combines all programs for multidisciplinary training in translational biomedicine at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

Program Director

Associate professor Dr. Julia Weinmann-Menke

Tel.: +49 (0)6131 17-6774



Program Coordinator

Dr. Petra M. Schwarz

Tel.: +49 (0)6131 17-9149


Homepage: www.unimedizin-mainz.de/transmed/home.html

The Research Training Group Life Sciences – Life Writing

This research training group provides doctoral candidates with a comprehensive and structured training program.


Professor Norbert W. Paul

Tel.: +49 (0)6131 17-9545


Homepage: www.grk.lifesciences-lifewriting.uni-mainz.de/phd-program/

The Max Planck Graduate Center (MPGC) with Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

The Max Planck Graduate Center with Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz combines four faculties of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (the Faculty of Medicine – FB04, the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Technology – FB08, the Faculty of Chemistry, Pharmacy and Geosciences – FB09, and the Faculty of Biology – FB10) with the Max Planck Institute of Chemistry and the Max Planck Institute of Polymer Research. The MPGC offers an interdisciplinary teaching and doctoral program for early-career researchers.


Forum universitatis 2, Building 1111

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

55122 Mainz, Germany

Tel.: +49 (0)6131 39-27283


Homepage: www.mpgc-mainz.de

The International PhD Programme (IPP)

The International PhD Programme (IPP) offers doctoral candidates the opportunity to work towards their PhD in a state-of-the-art interdisciplinary environment.


The Institute of Molecular Biology gGmbH (IMB)

Ackermannweg 4

55128 Mainz, Germany


Homepage: www.imb.de/students-postdocs/international-phd-programme/

The Integrated Research Training Group of Collaborative Research Center 1066

CRC 1066, “Nanodimensional Polymer Therapeutics for Cancer Therapy”, is an integrated research training group that brings together doctoral candidates from various disciplines – chemistry, biomedicine, pharmacy, and physics.

Homepage: https://www.sfb1066.uni-mainz.de/integriertes-graduiertenkolleg/

The Integrated Research Training Group of Collaborative Research Center 1080

Within CRC 1080, “Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Neuronal Homeostasis” is an integrated research training group that provides an interdisciplinary training program specifically for MD-PhD and PhD students.

Homepage: https://www.crc1080.com/young-scientists/graduate-school

Furthermore, students can apply for doctoral posts in the programs of various funding agencies. For more details, please visit the section External funding opportunities.